Collaboration between Ngemba Weilwan Polly Wilson, Whadjuk Ballardong artist Paris Pryor, the children and educators November 2021
Marjorie Mann Lawley Daycare Centre’s Vision for Reconciliation is to be encouragers. We want to be respectful of Culture, Language and of the identity of First Nations People. We also want the actions of Reconciliation to be part of our everyday practice.
We are committed to learning more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders culture and history, giving Country the respect that it deserves.
Marjorie Mann will review our RAP every three years and continue to support children and educators to learn and grow together. We will share what we have learned with families and the wider community in a way that is respectful of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. We want to support the ongoing efforts in Australia to advocate for Country and Culture, disrupting the systems and mindsets that continue to stand in the way of positive change and equality.
This Reconciliation Action Plan was created in August 2022 in consultation with:
Leadership Team, Educators and Staff of Marjorie Mann Lawley Day Care Centre. Our RAP Working Group was made up of Wendy Johns, Leanne Leggett, Susan Houston. Katrina Cox Business Development Manager at Foundation for Indigenous Sustainable Health and Ben Rose Service Lead Cultural Diversity and Community at the City of Stirling