Marjorie Mann is located in Mount Lawley. The traditional owners of the Mount Lawley area are the Yabbaru Bibbulman Noongar people, who used the Boodjamooling wetland (Hyde Park) as a meeting ground. The area we now know as Mount Lawley was formally proclaimed in 1901 after establishing the Swan River Colony.
Hyde park is located very close to Marjorie Mann and a park our families would use for time with their together. Hyde Park was a key wetland campsite where turtle and fish were hunted, and the large paper bark trees were used to make shelters. This site was particularly important to Noongar people during summer and early autumn as a camping spot as food could readily be found in the swamps as they dried in the warming weather.
Our Acknowledgement to Country
“Here is the land,
and here is the sky.
Here are my friends,
and here am I.
We acknowledge the Whadjuk People,
for the land we discover,
learn and play.
For the Past, the present,
and the future,
we show love,
and thanks for each day.”
Reggio Environments